「2025臺南新藝獎」- Next Art Tainan 2025
(一)申請資格 1984年1月以後出生,目前無畫廊專屬經紀合約者,限中華民國國籍,或具有中華民國居留證或合法居留權者。 報名團體組別之每一創作者皆需符合前項資格,應於報名時填列團隊名稱、團隊代表人資料及全部創作者名單。
(二)報名方式 一律採線上報名,請至「臺南新藝獎」官方網站(http://next-art.tainan.gov.tw/ )進行線上報名。
(三) 線上登錄資料
- 個人資料(包含填寫基本資料、通訊方式、最高學歷、展覽經歷、獲獎紀錄及上傳身分證正反面jpg檔等);報名團體者應填列全部創作者名單及資料。
- 無畫廊專屬經紀合約之切結。 作品資料包括作品名稱、媒材、尺寸、創作年代及創作理念(限200字,含標點符號)。
- 參賽作品分為平面、立體、錄像及裝置類(評審採不分類評審,惟行政作業考量,請藝術家自行勾選展出作品型態),並請上傳主要作品1件,參考作品2件。
- 資料上傳完成報名程序後,不接受資料更改。
(四) 作品資料
- 平面:每件作品上傳圖片1張,局部圖片至多2張,檔案格式限制為2MB以上、20MB以下之JPG檔,解析度300dpi,尺寸至少3000x3000pixels。
- 立體:每件作品上傳主圖片1張、不同角度之局部圖片至多3張,檔案格式限制為2MB以上、20MB以下之JPG檔,解析度300dpi,尺寸至少3000x3000 pixels。
- 錄像:數位影片,作品長度至多5分鐘,檔案格式以MP4檔為限,800MB以下。
- 裝置:每件作品主圖片1張、於空間中不同角度之局部圖片至多3張,檔案限制為2MB以上、20MB以下之JPG檔,解析度300dpi,尺寸至少3000x3000 pixels。如有數位影音檔案,長度至多3分鐘,合計600MB以下;影像檔案格式以MP4檔為限,聲音檔案格式以MP3檔為限。
(四) 評審結果將由本局公告,並電話通知入選者,未入選者不另行通知。
(一) 由本局聘請策展人及專家學者組成評審委員會,依送審資料評選出得主及適合參與藝術博覽會者。
(二) 評審團保留未達標準給予從缺之權利。
(三) 申請人所送資料,於評審結束後不予退件,申請人亦不得要求退還。
(一) 安排得主於臺南市專業畫廊空間展出藝術作品,部分得主(約三名)將由本局安排參加一場國內外舉辦之藝術博覽會。
(二) 所有得主均須參與臺南新藝獎展覽活動,本局將支付「展覽活動費」新臺幣陸萬元整。展覽作品運輸及佈展、卸展由藝術家自行負責,本局不另支付費用。展覽結束後,以成果報告書(內含展出照片等)及個人領據核銷撥款。
(三) 本局轄下2026年總爺國際藝術村進駐計畫優先錄取新藝獎得主申請,至多兩名進駐總爺國際藝術村,相關權利義務請參照「國際藝術家進駐計畫甄選簡章」,網址: http://air-culture.tainan.gov.tw。 (四) 本局將協助行銷宣傳相關事宜,印製宣傳DM,另擇期舉行記者會及頒獎典禮,並出版臺南新藝獎展覽畫冊專刊。
(一) 「2025臺南新藝獎」得主將於2025年3月13日(四)至4月13日(日)(暫定)於本市畫廊展出,本局保留分配展出場地之權利,得主若因故無法配合展覽時程,視同自動棄權,其資格由備取人員遞補,不得有任何異議。
(二) 本獎項以媒合藝術家進入市場為宗旨,得主由本局委託之策展人媒合於臺南市畫廊空間展出,展出作品形態由策展人依空間屬性媒合策劃,並具有展出作品形態最後決定權。得主若因故無法配合或提供足額展出作品,將視同自動棄權,其資格由備取人員遞補,不得有任何異議。
(三) 本屆參展臺南畫廊空間:甘樂阿舍美術館、大新美術館、水色藝術工坊、加力畫廊、絕對空間、醉美空間、德鴻畫廊、藝非凡美術館、索卡藝術、弎畫廊。(預計10家畫廊空間,本局保留最終增刪變更權利)。
(四) 得主需遵守各畫廊空間展覽規範,與畫廊共同協商其價格,如無法遵守者,將取消展覽及獲獎資格,不得有任何異議。
(五) 得主須於公佈媒合名單後,與策展人及畫廊空間討論,30天內擬定展出計畫含展覽形式、空間配置圖、作品清單、價格等,展出計畫經策展人及畫廊空間同意後不得擅自更改。
(六) 得主展出作品原則上應含50%參賽作品,主辦單位、策展人、畫廊空間皆同意下得少於50%。
(七) 本獎展出期間所有作品均需開放對外銷售。展出作品不得與其他單位簽訂展覽或代售合約。
(八) 本局將與得主及其媒合畫廊另訂展覽三方合約,詳列展覽權利義務等事宜。
(九) 得主應於開展前辦理佈展,展覽期結束後辦理卸展,佈卸展期間之交通及住宿由得主自行負擔。
(十) 得主應配合出席本局相關活動(如記者會、頒獎典禮…等),外縣市至本市之交通費由本局覈實支付(不支付計程車費用,團體組支付1名代表之費用)。
(十一) 藝術博覽會參與時間由本局規劃協調後另行通知,得主若因故無法展出,視同棄權,其資格由備取人員遞補,不得異議。展出期間應遵守展出相關規範,交易所得之50%歸畫廊空間單位,50%歸藝術家所有。
(十二) 為配合展覽行銷宣傳,臺南新藝獎得主之投件與參展作品圖檔,同意授權本局使用於平面刊物及宣傳媒體,包含文宣、圖錄、電視、數位影音(不限光碟形式)及網路等。
(十三) 參賽作品及所有權須屬本人之作、不得為臨摹、抄襲他人作品、侵害他人智慧財產權之作品、參賽報名登錄資料不實、或不願參與展出者,如有上述情況,取消參賽或獲獎資格;本局保留是否備取之權利。
九、活動時程規劃 (本局保留時程規劃之異動權)
工作項目 | 時程 | 備註 |
簡章公佈 | 2024年06月底 | 簡章公佈於本局網站及相關藝術雜誌 |
徵件時間 | 2024年7月15日零時~ 2024年8月30日下午5時30分止 |
線上系統 |
評審結果公佈 | 2024年9月 | (暫定) |
展覽場地暨媒合名單公佈記者會 | 2024年11月 | 與得主及畫廊簽訂合約 |
佈展 | 2025年3月 | 確切時間須配合各畫廊時間調整 |
台南藝術博覽會展期 | 2025年3月13日~3月16日 | (暫定) |
展覽期間 | 2025年3月13日~4月13日 | (暫定) |
頒獎典禮 | 2025年3月14日 | (暫定) |
撤展期間 | 2025年4月 | 展覽結束後,藝術家需與空間負責人妥善協商溝通撤展時間,配合空間檔期。 |
若有任何疑問,請電洽:06-3901029,臺南市政府文化局藝術發展科 李小姐。
2025 Next Art Tainan Award
Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government
Submission Guide
1. About the Award
The Tainan City Government has organized the Next Art Tainan Award since 2013 to support young artists in their creative endeavors, invigorate the art market, and establish a platform for collaboration between artists and businesses. Aiming to discover the "next rising stars,” the Award solicits artworks from outstanding young artists nationwide and exhibits them at art galleries in Tainan. Each year, a curator is specially appointed to plan different themes for the Next Art Tainan Award and to facilitate the collaboration between emerging artists and gallery spaces, thereby promoting the development of contemporary art.
2. Highlights
- Applications are accepted through an open call, with registration available for individual or group categories. The works are judged across the two categories.
- In principle, ten award recipients (both individuals and groups) will be selected for the Next Art Taiwan Award. Their works will be exhibited in selected galleries in Taiwan. The recipients will also be able to participate in the Art Tainan exhibition.
3. Organizers
- Supervising organization: Minister of Culture and Tainan City Government.
- Organizers: Tainan City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau and Tainan City Cultural Foundation.
4. Qualifications and Application Requirements
- Qualifications
- For individuals: Applicants must be born after January 1984 and have no exclusive representation contract with any gallery. The Award is limited to individuals with Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality or those holding a Republic of China residence permit or legal residency status.
- For groups: Each group member must meet the aforementioned qualifications for individuals. The information on group name, group representative name, and the list of all group members must also be provided upon submission.
- Application Method
All applications must be submitted online. Please visit the official “Next Art Tainan Award" website (http://next-art.tainan.gov.tw/) to complete the online application. - Online Application
- Personal information (including basic information, contact details, highest education, exhibition experience, award records, and the front and back of the ID card in JPG file); group applicants should provide a list and details of all group members.
- An affidavit declaring that the artist does not have an exclusive representation contract with any gallery.
- Information about the artwork should include the title, medium, dimensions, year of creation, and artist's statement (limited to 200 words, including punctuation). Entries are categorized into two-dimensional, three-dimensional, video, and installation works. The works will not be judged by category, but for administrative purposes, artists should select the type of artwork accordingly. Please upload one primary artwork and two reference artworks.
- Once the materials are uploaded and the application process is complete, no changes to the application information will be accepted.
- Submission Formats
Images of the uploaded artworks will be used for event promotion, including the design of promotional materials. To ensure quality in submissions and promotional materials, please upload according to the following file formats:- Two-dimensional: For each artwork, please upload one full image and up to two partial detail images. File formats should be JPG file, between 2MB and 20MB in size, with a resolution of 300dpi, and dimensions of at least 3,000x3,000 pixels.
- Three-dimensional: For each artwork, please upload one main image and up to three partial detail images showing different angles. File formats should be JPG file, between 2MB and 20MB in size, with a resolution of 300dpi, and dimensions of at least 3,000x3,000 pixels.
- Video: Digital videos should be a maximum of 5 minutes in length, in MP4 format, and should not exceed 800MB in file size.
- Installation: For each artwork, please upload one main image and up to three partial detail images showing different angles within the space. File formats should be JPG file, between 2MB and 20MB in size, with a resolution of 300dpi, and dimensions of at least 3,000x3,000 pixels. For digital audiovisual files, they should be a maximum of 3 minutes long and total no more than 600MB. Video files should be in MP4 format, and audio files should be in MP3 format.
5. Submission Deadline
- Please submit your application from midnight (12:00 a.m.) on July 15, 2024 to 5:30 p.m. on August 30, 2024.
- Participants must upload all required information before the submission deadline. If the information is not fully uploaded by the deadline, the application will be considered unsuccessful.
- Applications with late submission or incomplete information will not be accepted. Please ensure timely submission.
- The selection results will be announced by the Bureau, and the selected applicants will be notified by phone. Unselected candidates will not be notified separately.
6. About the Judging Process
- A judging panel composed of curators and experts appointed by the Bureau will evaluate the submitted materials to select the award recipients and those suitable for participation in Art Tainan.
- The judging panel reserves the right to withhold awards if the submissions do not meet the required standards.
- The submitted materials will not be returned to the applicants after the judging process, and applicants may not request their return.
7. Awards and Subsequent Support
- The award recipients will have their artworks exhibited in professional gallery spaces in Tainan City. Additionally, several recipients (approximately three) will be selected by the Bureau to participate in an international or domestic art fair.
- All award recipients are required to participate in the Next Art Tainan Award exhibition. Our Bureau will provide an exhibition remuneration of NT$60,000. Artists are responsible for the transportation, installation, and dismantling of their exhibition works, and no additional costs will be covered by the Bureau. After the exhibition concludes, artists must submit a final report (including exhibition photos, etc.) and personal receipts for reimbursement.
- Up to two Next Art Tainan Award winners will receive priority consideration for the 2026 Artist-in-Residene Program at the Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center. Please refer to “A Guide to the Artist-in-Residence Program" for rights and obligations at the following website: http://air-culture.tainan.gov.tw.
- Our Bureau will assist in marketing and promotion and will produce promotional materials, including event brochures. We will also schedule a press conference and an awards ceremony, and publish a special exhibition catalog for the Next Art Tainan Award.
8. Additional Notices:(all applications must read these notices carefully)
- The recipients of the 2025 Next Art Tainan Award will exhibit their artworks at local galleries in Tainan from March 13, 2025 (Thursday) to April 13, 2025 (Sunday) (tentative schedule). Our Bureau reserves the right to pair the artists with respective exhibition venues. If a recipient is unable to adhere to the exhibition schedule due to unforeseen circumstances, it will be considered an automatic forfeiture, and their place will be filled by an alternate candidate without grounds for objection.
- The purpose of this award is to support artists in entering the market. Award recipients will be paired up with curators commissioned by our Bureau to exhibit in gallery spaces in Tainan. The curator will plan the exhibition format according to the characteristics of the gallery space and has the final decision-making authority on the exhibition format. If an award recipient is unable to cooperate or provide sufficient artworks for exhibition due to unforeseen circumstances, it will be considered as automatic forfeiture, and their place will be filled by an alternate candidate without grounds for objection.
- The participating Tainan galleries for this edition are Asir Art Museum, Da Xin Art Museum, Mizuiro Workshop, Inart Space, Absolute Space for the Arts, Aglow Art Space, Der-Horng Art Gallery, Mezzo Art, Soka Art, and San Gallery. (These are the ten planned galleries, and our Bureau reserves the right to make final additions, deletions, or changes.)
- Award recipients must adhere to the exhibition guidelines of each gallery and negotiate their prices in collaboration with the gallery. Failure to comply will result in the cancellation of the exhibition and forfeiture of the award, without grounds for objection.
- Once the artist-gallery pairing list is announced, the award recipients must discuss with the curator and gallery space manager within 30 days to outline an exhibition plan. This plan should include exhibition format, spatial layout, artwork list, pricing, etc. Once agreed upon by the curator and gallery space, the exhibition plan cannot be changed without further approval.
- In principle, the exhibited works of the award recipients should consist of at least 50% of the submitted entries. If necessary, this percentage may be reduced if agreed upon by the organizer, curator, and gallery space manager.
- During the exhibition period, all artworks must be available for sale to the public. Artists may not engage in exhibition or consignment contracts with other entities.
- Our Bureau will arrange a separate tripartite contract with the award recipients and their matched galleries, detailing exhibition rights and obligations.
- Award recipients are responsible for arranging the exhibition and dismantling after the exhibition concludes. Transportation and accommodation during the installation and dismantling periods are the responsibility of the award recipients.
- Award recipients are required to attend relevant events organized by our Bureau (such as press conferences, award ceremonies, etc.). For recipients traveling from outside of Tainan City, actual transportation expenses will be reimbursed by our Bureau (excluding taxi fares; for group entries, expenses will cover one group representative).
- Participation in Art Tainan will be coordinated and notified separately by our Bureau. If an award recipient is unable to exhibit in Art Tainan due to unforeseen circumstances, it will be considered forfeiture of their place, and the position will be filled by an alternate candidate without objection. During the exhibition period, participants must adhere to exhibition guidelines. Fifty percent of any transaction proceeds will go to the gallery space, and the remaining fifty percent will belong to the artist.
- To facilitate exhibition marketing and promotion, Next Art Tainan Award recipients agree to authorize the Bureau to use images of their submitted and exhibited artworks for printed materials and promotional media, including brochures, catalogs, television, digital media (including but not limited to CDs), and the internet.
- Submitted artworks and ownership must belong to the applicant and must not involve copying, plagiarism of others' work, infringement of intellectual property rights, submission of false application information, or unwillingness to participate in the exhibition. In case of any of these situations, the submission or award qualification may be revoked. Our Bureau reserves the right to determine whether to accept substitute candidates.
9. Schedule(Our Bureau reserves the right to make changes to the schedule as needed.)
Item | Scheduled Time | Note |
Announce the Submission Guide | End of June, 2024 | The Guide will be published on our official website and relevant art magazines. |
Call for Submissions | 12:00 a.m. on July 15, 2024 to 5:30 p.m. on August 30, 2024 |
Online submission |
Announce Award Recipients | September 2024 | (TBD) |
Press Conference on List of Artists and Exhibition Galleries | November 2024 | Sign contracts between award recipients and galleries. |
Exhibition Preparation | March 2025 | Specific timelines should be adjusted according to gallery space availability. |
Art Tainan Exhibition | March 13 to March 16 | (TBD) |
Next Art Tainan Award Exhibition | March 13 to April 13, 2025 | (TBD) |
Award Exhibition | March 14, 2025 | (TBD) |
Dismantling | April 2025 | After the exhibition concludes, artists must communicate with the responsible person of the galleries to arrange the dismantling schedule according to the venue's availability. |
10. Main contact
For any questions, please call: 06-3901029
Ms. Lee, Division of Art Development, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government.
If there are any matters not covered in this Guide, our Bureau reserves the right to amend and supplement it, with the latest updates posted on the official event website.