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潘勁|Jin Pan

潘勁|Jin Pan

1993年生於臺灣澎湖縣,國立臺灣藝術大學多媒體動畫藝術學系學士。展覽經歷包括:「2019全國美術展」、「回望之地」個展(萬華心起町藝術空間)、「2018新北市美展」等。榮獲「2019全國美術展-新媒體藝術類」銀牌獎、「2018世安美學獎-造形藝術類」藝術創作贊助獎、「2018新北市美展-數位藝術類」第三名、「2018基隆美展」優選等。 創作主題專注於家族背景與身處之地的聯想,觀察周遭事物將其轉化為新媒體藝術。藝術家面對個人在創作上的思考,作品多關注當下時空的場域轉移,以新媒體藝術的表現形式,檢視棄船、墳墓、廢墟的殘破面貌,傳達一種撲朔迷離的疏離,以及一種既熟悉又陌生的居所既視感。影像穿梭於過去、現在、未來等層次,映射現實生活進而被捲入一場無法抗拒的流動狀態,並且逆反出一處遺棄荒蕪的回望之地。 Born in Penghu County Taiwan in 1993, Pan graduated from Department of Multimedia and Animation Arts in National Taiwan University of Arts. His new media artworks have been exhibited in National Art Exhibition 2019 in Taiwan and New Taipei City Fine Arts Exhibition in 2018. He has won the prize of National Art Exhibition in 2019 and ‘S-An Aesthetic Prize’ in 2018. He was also honorably mentioned in Keelung Fine Arts Exhibition in 2018. Pan’s artworks focus on the association with his family, his current residence, and the shift of current time and space by viewing abandoned ships, graveyards, and ruins. Through the manifestation of new media art, these objects and scenes shows a bewildering distance and conveys the sense of déjà vu to audience. The images shuttle back and forth between past, present, and future. The images reflect the reality has been drawn in an irresistible flow and regressed to a wasteland.

