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簡湘霖|Hsiang-lin Chien

簡湘霖|Hsiang-lin Chien

1993年出生於宜蘭,國立臺南藝術大學材質創作與設計系畢業,2020年於國立臺南藝術大學應用藝術研究所取得碩士學位。藝術家求學期間研究陶瓷雕塑創作,擅長陶瓷媒材材料創作。2017年開始關注人類與動物議題, 2018獲得「大墩美展」優選,「屏東美展」入選,「宜蘭獎」入選,2018年前往美國加州州立大學長堤分校駐村交流,2019年「臺灣陶藝獎」入選,「臺灣青年陶藝獎」入選。 藝術家長期使用陶瓷媒材進行雕塑,並結合動物與人類型態作為創作表現,利用寫實雕塑技法將生活當下所見的事態描繪出來,經由高溫燒製後將作品保留於永恆。藉由作品,闡述在生活當中許多溢於言表的膨脹狀態,刻劃人與人之間的位階關係和權力面向。 Born in Yilan, Taiwan in 1993, Hsiang-lin Chien was graduated from Institute of Applied Arts Tainan National University of Arts. She was honorably mentioned in Da-Dun Fine Arts Exhibition in 2018. In the same year, she also won the ‘Yilan Awards’ and ‘Pingtung Finearts Exhibition Awards.’ She was selected for ‘Taiwan Ceramics Awards’ and ‘Taiwan Young Pottery Artist Award’ in 2019. She went to the University of California State Long beach for Artist-in-Residence program in 2018. She is skillful at ceramics sculpture. She began to focus on the forms of human beings and animals since 2017. She combined the structure of both human beings and animals as her creative expression. She depicts what she has seen in her life by using the realistic sculpting technique and preserves her work permanently after heating. She tried to elaborate the inflated status of life that beyond description and the hierarchy and dominant relationships between people through her works.

