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葉佩如|Pei-ju Yeh

葉佩如|Pei-ju Yeh

出生於彰化,國立清華大學藝術與設計研究所畢業,現任國小教師,同時進行個人創作。曾獲2017年「《円水之塔_池田 一 屋久島大地藝術季》交流會」臺灣藝術家代表、2008年「第二屆當代水墨新秀獎」水墨動畫類、2006年「李澤藩藝術教育獎」膠彩類首獎等肯定。 藝術家擅長以鋼刷在老舊牆面上刻刮出有如水墨工筆畫的線條,並將此創作方式命名為「垢圖」,將傳統水墨畫的精神轉換成壁畫,試圖用反向的方式為城市留下屬於它們的記憶。她更以教學經驗來策劃南門溪環境藝術行動,結合跨領域藝術與環境教育,目前已成為新竹市陽光國小校本課程,此計畫曾多次獲邀至國外交流,至今仍在教育領域持續推動著。 社區、環境、合作、對話,是藝術家作品要素不可或缺的一環,作品展現出多元與跨領域的特質。 Pei-ju Yeh was born in Changhua, Taiwan and graduated from National Tsing Hua University of Education. She is an elementary school art teacher now and continues to create arts in her personal time. She is good at brushing lines on old dusty walls, which is similar to the calligraphic lines in Meticulous Ink Paintings. The technique is called “Dusty painting.” She has transformed the spirit of traditional Chinese ink painting into mural painting and tried to maintain the exclusive memory of city in reversed way. She has led environmental art movement in ‘South Gate Stream’ based on her teaching experience. She also integrates cross-field art and environmental education, which has become the core curriculum at ‘Sunshine school’ in Hsinchu now. Many countries have invited her to demonstrate this project for their cultural exchange program. The project remains promoted continuously in the field of education. The idea of community, environment, cooperation, and conversation are the essential elements in her work, which expresses the features of diversity and cross-disciplines.

