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太認真-郭柏俞、佘文瑛|Working Hard / KUO Po-Yu and SHE Wen-Ying

太認真-郭柏俞、佘文瑛|Working Hard  / KUO Po-Yu and SHE Wen-Ying

郭柏俞、佘文瑛,1989 年出生,同畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學雕塑系碩士。兩人在2015年開啟「太認真」的藝術合作關係。作品強調於物質、材料的重新被理解,其中可能包含氣味或聲響,建構可觸、可感知的檔案室,創造具有事件性的雕塑,讓感官重返特定的場域。創作也對建檔機制感到高度興趣,現代化博物館的擬真性及其所後設的具象場景,成為近期創作特徵。

2017-2019年間駐村於國立臺灣歷史博物館、國立臺灣史前文化博物館、高雄駁二藝術家駐村、紐西蘭奧克蘭、印尼日惹、中國上海。近期個展包括:〈There is no Chinatown〉台北國際藝術村(2019)/聯合理工學院,紐西蘭(2018);〈與正本相符〉南海藝廊,台北(2016);〈不對外開放〉朱銘美術館,台北(2016)。

Working Hard is the brainchild of the creative duo KUO Po-Yu and SHE Wen-Ying (b.1989, born in Taipei, Taiwan) since 2015, the two artists are graduated from the M.F.A. program in the Department of Sculpture in National Taiwan University of Arts in 2016.

During 2017-2019 they joined the residency at National Museum of Taiwan History (Tainan), National Museum of Prehistory (Taitung), Auckland in New Zealand, Yogyakarta in Indonesia, and Shanghai in China. Recent solo exhibitions of Working Hard include: There is no Chinatown, Taipei Artist Village (2019) / Snowwhait Gallery, Unitec, New Zealand (2018); CERTIFIED COPY, Nanhai Gallery, Taipei (2016); Not Open to the Public, Juming Museum, Taipei (2016).

As a duo with the co-creation of two, our core concept strives for opening up the comprehension of materiality that could include odors or sound. To construct a tangible and sensible archive, we present 'circumstantial sculpture' which is the field for rememorized sensations. Fascinated by institutional archives, our practice has involved the meta realistic scenes created by the museum with the verisimilitude facility, which has featured in our latest projects.