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陳楷仁|Chen Kai-Ren

陳楷仁|Chen Kai-Ren


Born in 1982, lives and creates art works in Taoyuan. 2012 M.A. in Art and design, National Taipei University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan.After graduating from the Institute, pull away from the status of pure artistic creation into a worldly recognizing good career.  Have been tasted the sweets and bitters of the society for eight years, and now I start over my art creation again.  Transforming my life experiences and social observation into the form of paintings is the main point of my works.  Humor myself and also humor the society. I held solo exhibition "Struggling on Epidermis", at the Freedom Men Art Apartment in Taichung in 2020, and continuing the theme to hold another solo exhibition "How difficult to be a humanbeing" in the same place this year.

創作自述 Artist Statement


“Struggling on the Epidermis” is an artwork describing those commoners who are just like the meat on the chopping block, seems to have their own freedom to do anything, but still they are under control of this society.  This piece of work applies the epidermis as a stage, the main part of the painting is a piece of flesh with skin on it.  The people living on the epidermis are all the samples from real life, which are the clips from real life, the feelings of heart, and the interpretation of daily language.  Create or replicate paintings as language-like images, and express the understanding and observation of society with a self-deprecating and humorous tone.  The commoners living on the epidermis seem to be free.  However, they are actually manipulated by the structure of the tissue and glands under the skin layer without perceiving how it works, as the hair of the skin.  Just like the world we live in, during the ordinary days, we feel faintly bound by a certain mysterious force.

