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紀沛辰|Chi Pei-Chen

紀沛辰|Chi Pei-Chen

紀沛辰 是一位出生於台灣的攝影藝術家。小時候,她對圖像和色彩的美著迷。2010年就讀於台北國立科技大學,獲得產品設計碩士學位。與藝術家兼策展人蔡文祥長時間交談後,她對攝影產生了熱情。後來,她偶然發現了一台舊相機,並開始為她的朋友拍照。2016年3月,她的第一本寫真集《傷口》出版。2017年前往法國繼續學習。2018 年,她加入了位於阿爾勒(Arles)國家攝影學院,在藝術駐留中學習當代藝術。

她參與了多個項目,包括自 2015 年以來的《我記得》。東西方文化的互動、不同的思維方式以及她對自己身份的反思促使她開展了這個項目。《我記得》是一系列照片,旨在通過外國人的眼睛和鏡頭展示法國文化,通過短篇小說、圖像和記憶碎片來轉移現實。



Peichen CHI is an artistic photographer born in Taiwan.  As a child, she was fascinated by the beauty of images and colors.  She studied at the National University of Science and Technology in Taipei, where she obtained a master’s degree in industrial design in 2010. It was after a long conversation with the artist and curator Wen-hsiang TSAI that she discovered her passion for photography.  Later, she found an old camera by chance, and started taking pictures for her friends. 

“Wounds”, her first photo book, was published in March 2016. In 2017 she came to France to resume her studies.  In 2018, she joined the National School of Photography, in Arles, to learn contemporary art at an artistic residency.


She has worked on several projects including, « I remember » in 2015.  The interactions between Eastern and Western cultures, different ways of thinking and her reflection on her own identity prompted her to carry out this project.  « I remember » is a series of photographs whose aim is to show French culture, through the eyes and lens of a foreigner, to divert reality through short stories, images and shreds of memories.

