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藍郁棠|Lan Yu-Tang

藍郁棠|Lan Yu-Tang



Born in 1993 and currently residing in Tainan, with ongoing studies at the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts at Tainan National University of the Arts. The creative process involves establishing a connection between action itself and external contexts, utilizing intuitive expressions that impart meaning through action. From this perspective, action-based projects within specific sites become compelling subjects of exploration, embodying a creative practice that is closer to reality and directly engaged with society. Awards include the 2025 Tainan New Art Award, the 2022 Art Star Award at the Kaohsiung Young Art Fair, and the 2021 Shian Art Creation Sponsorship in the Plastic Arts category.

The work (Add viewing into Tainan Park) originates from a floor-to-ceiling window at the balcony of a rented space, envisioning a connection with Tainan Park. By integrating the window
with the park's site, the piece reflects on the cultural context surrounding the space and objects. The Japanese garden within Tainan Park bears witness to remnants of colonial history and subtly hints at the continued influence of modernization in contemporary life.
