張君慈|Iris Chun-Tzu Chang

張君慈, 國立成功大學主修工業設計、輔修建築畢業。倫敦藝術大學聲音藝術碩士。作品形式橫跨繪畫、詩句、裝置、田野錄音與即興演出等,試圖探索空間中可聽與不可聽之間的身體感知及意識流動。
曾於國內外各地展演發表, 2020年獲南瀛獎新媒體類首獎,作品「月潮搖籃曲:聲音記憶的脆弱性 moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory」由臺南市政府典藏。 作品「像石頭一樣聆聽 Listen Like A Stone 」入圍2022年度聲音獎(Sound of the Year Awards 2022)最佳想像聲音類別(Best Imagined Sound)決選。2023年獲選為臺灣文學基地秋季駐村作家,同年(2023) 獲得雲門第十七屆「流浪者計畫」獎助。
2021年開啟長期實踐型研究計畫「如果我有_的耳朵?」探索不只是人類 (more-than-human) 的聆聽經驗,並於各地舉辦多場想像聆聽 / 聲音譜記工作坊及講座。
Iris Chun-Tzu Chang is an artist and researcher currently based in Taiwan. She studied Industrial Design and Architecture at National Cheng Kung University and holds a master’s degree in Sound Arts from the University of the Arts London.
Like sound as clay, Iris crafts her work through drawing, poetry, installation, field recording, and improvised performance. Exploring embodied perception at the thresholds between the tangible / intangible, audible / inaudible, conscious / subconscious, her art practices aspire to weave a passage through which experience itself may unfold and be heard.
Her works have been exhibited and performed both at home and abroad. In 2020, her piece “moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory” won the First Prize in the Nanying Awards (new media category). In 2023, her listening score / poem “Listen Like A Stone” was shortlisted for Best Imagined Sound at the Sound of the Year Awards 2022. She was selected as the resident writer at the Taiwan Literature Base for the fall of 2023, and in the same year, she was awarded the 17th “Wanderer Project” grant from the Cloud Gate Foundation.
Iris initiates a long-term practice-based research What is it like to be an ear of_? exploring more-than-human listening and imaginary sound. She has facilitated deep listening / sonic drawing / event scores workshops and lectures since 2021.
Personal website: irischuntzuchang.com