歷屆新藝獎Exhibition review

葉治伸|YAP Chee-Keng

葉治伸|YAP Chee-Keng

葉治伸來自馬來西亞, 2010年已於馬來西亞取得室內建築設計畢業學位,在藝術的夢想驅使下來到臺灣求學,2016年在東海大學獲得學士學位,2020年再獲得國立臺北藝術大學美術系創作碩士學位。這段時間非常努力投入於創作上,並在臺灣發表多次個展。在新竹沃沃美學,臺北金車文藝中心以及新北市藝文中心等舉辦了個人創作展覽。期間也多次參與聯展邀請。作品也獲得2020南瀛獎(西方媒材:佳作),國立臺灣美術館(全國美展)油畫類:銀牌獎,也獲得國立臺北藝術大學重要的創作獎項「2020創作卓越獎」等多方的肯定。


Yap Chee Keng is from Malaysia. In 2010, he obtained an associate degree in interior design from Malaysia. He went to Taiwan to study in 2016. He obtained a bachelor’s degree from Tunghai University, and in 2020, he received a master’s degree from the Department of Fine Arts of National Taipei University of the Arts. During this period of time, he devoted himself very hard to creation and published many solo exhibitions in Taiwan. Solo exhibitions were held in Hsinchu Wo Wo Aesthetics, Taipei King Car Art Center and New Taipei City Arts and Culture Center. During the period, he also participated in joint exhibition many times. His works also won the 2020 Nanying Award, (Western Media: Excellent Works), National Art Exhibition, Oil Painting Category: Silver Medal, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and also won an important creation award from National Taipei University of the Arts, “Outstanding Art Prize of School of Fine Arts 2020”, and many other appreciation.

Chalk reel is Yap’s inspiration of creation, which connects with his childhood and his experience studying interior design. Now the chalk line presents a continuation of his life story on the canvas; they are repeatedly overlapped, stretching endlessly into eternity. The lines are images that are densely or loosely distributed and piled up. Countless colorful lines are stacked, injecting time and effort into the painting. Through the color combination that symbolizes culture and life, the author tries to create a diverse and colorful space.